Monday, February 24, 2014

Etude House Moistfull Collagen First Essence 100 mL Review

Hello Girls!! 

Today's Review would be From Etude House and from their Famous Line 
Moistfull Collagen 
Its the First Essence.

Usually The Moistfull Collagen Cream comes with Travel size of this First essence ..& since I loved it! I decided to Buy the FULL SIZE!

BTW Don't you hate when your Parents/Family Open your packages -_-'..
I actually Didn't mind before but since i have a Blog..  it Frustrates me

FYI it didn't cost me $5 .. hahaha ! !


Box (Front -> Back)
Price: $15-20
Box (Side)

It lasts 12 months after opened 

Top -> Inside

Description:  Highly concentrated collagen essence, Is deeply absorbed into skin and gives moisture and flexibility to Dry and Chapped Skin.


Wash Face → Apply Essence onto face → Skin Care Regime

So..What do I think ??

Well..  I tried this essence when i bought my Moistfull Collagen Cream and I loved it! Why?!? Well.. After i applied this essence my face looked so shiny & smooth.  Also i have some Fine Lines around my lips and after I applied the essence they disappeared instantly! Which is amazing!! I Really Really Love this essence!! I have the Cream too.. But I was thinking of buying the Whole skin regime of the Line (Moistfull Collagen ) But they released a new Line Named Super Collagen .. SO i went for it !!
I ordered the Whole new Line plus the Water Filler !! 
Don't Worry I'll Review it! ^.^


-Firm Skin
-Leaves Skin Smooth
-Lines around lips Disappear
-Not Sticky
-Affordable Price


-NONE !! I really Love this Line!!

Recommend it? Yes!!!!! If you have the small one from the cream u know you need the Full Size. 

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